Discerning What Is Best with Dr Rex M Rogers
Discerning What Is Best with Dr Rex M Rogers is a podcast applying unchanging biblical principles in a rapidly changing world, doing Christian critical thinking, or spiritual discernment, about current issues, culture, and everyday life (Phil. 1:9-11). Rogers is former longtime president of Cornerstone University and now President of mission ministry SAT-7 USA. He is the author of "Gambling: Don't Bet On It," "Christian Liberty: Living for God in a Changing Culture" and its ebook "Living for God in Changing Times," and co-author of "Today, You Do Greatness: A Parable of Success and Significance."Learn more at rexmrogers.com.
199 episodes
Praying in Public, or Rather, When No One Prays in Public
Anyone who has attended church for a few years will recognize this scenario: You're part of a small group and the leader says, "How about two or three of you pray as you feel led, then I'll close." Then no one prays, and still no one prays, and...
Season 3
Episode 198

Living in an AI World
What are we to think of AI and its many uses in this brave new world? Well, one thing is sure, AI is incredibly complex, changing by the minute, meaning increasing the number of options, and we need to consider the applications on a case-by-cas...
Season 3
Episode 197

Debt, Deficits, DOGE
The U.S. National Debt is at this writing, over $36.6 Trillion, and climbing so fast you cannot keep up with the digital read-out at usdebtclock.org. That's over $107K per citizen. Yet most in the national leadership, Congress and the President...
Season 3
Episode 196

Review “Christians in a Cancel Culture: Speaking with Truth and Grace in a Hostile World,” by Joe Dallas
Joe Dallas is a counselor, an expert on human sexuality from a Christian perspective. He's written several books on this topic, but I consider the book reviewed here to be one of the most practical and helpful books I've read in the last few ye...
Season 3
Episode 195

The Glorious Parable of the Prodigal Son
The parable of the prodigal son is found in the New Testament book of Luke, chapter 15. It is "glorious" because it clearly conveys a Christian message of redemption, second chances, and hope. God is there, always, waiting and wanting us to ret...
Season 3
Episode 194

Preserving First Amendment Freedoms
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights, though ratified in 1791, codify our most essential foundational ideals: freedom of religion and freedom of speech. These ideals define what this nation is about. What has been disconc...
Season 3
Episode 193

Is Education the Forgotten Purpose of Public Schools?
Here I remember my days in public schools at a time when my fellow students and I were blessed with good teachers who taught and parents who supported them. Now we're in a much different situation, one reason President Donald J. Trump is consid...
Season 3
Episode 192

Birthright Citizenship, Blessings, Inalienable Right, But for Whom?
Birthright citizenship, and its troublesome by-product birth tourism (internationals are gaming the system fraudulently), emerges in discussions about immigration. President Trump has already issued an executive order seeking to suspend b...
Season 3
Episode 191

DEI, "diversity, equity, and inclusion," has become something of a religion of the left in the last twenty years. Add to this that this approach to human resources has been accepted, adopted, promoted, demanded in a near tsunami in American edu...
Season 3
Episode 190

Deportation of Illegal Immigrants
Millions of immigrants have been allowed by the Biden Administration to come into the United States across the southern border, unvetted, illegal in numbers and lack of process, some even flown clandestinely in night flights to cities that did ...
Season 3
Episode 189

Insurance Cannot Replace the Irreplaceable
Like many of us, I've been periodically watching reports on the Los Angeles area wildfires and thinking about them more often. Clearly these historic and horrific fires leave in their wake human tragedies too numerous to count. Peoples' lives a...
Season 3
Episode 188

Meme-ing and Demeaning Scripture
Memes have become a near universal experience of contemporary life, at least for anyone who spends any time at all on any social media platform. They are print visuals, usually containing some caption that makes a humorous, poignant, insightful...
Season 3
Episode 187

Hopes for the New Year
Some people make New Year's resolutions. While I don't make resolutions, I'm not against the practice. I do, though, have a number of hope(s), plural, for the new year, what I believe can, should, or even must happen for the USA to flourish. I'...
Season 3
Episode 186

Review of "The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
This podcast is a review of "The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness" by Jonathan Haidt. It is a scholarly book focused upon the emergence of smartphones in 2007, coupled with the Int...
Season 3
Episode 185

Celebrating Christmas Traditions
Christmas is celebrated worldwide via thousands of traditions that have been developed over the past two thousand years since the first Nativity in Bethlehem. Scripture does not tell us how to practice or celebrate Christmas, but it gives us ro...
Season 3
Episode 184

Elections, Dodging a Bullet, Sovereignty of God
The 2024 US Presidential election is in the books with Donald J. Trump the overwhelming winner. From the earliest days, I was not a Trump fan, but I gradually changed not because he's some kind of knight in shining armor but because the other s...
Season 3
Episode 183

Rainbows, Sexual Choice, Christian Teaching
It's impossible to avoid seeing rainbows in the marketplace, not usually depictions of natural or real rainbows but symbols of the LGBTQ+ movement. While not everyone in this movement agree on all points, it is indeed a movement because so many...
Season 3
Episode 182

Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out
Some of you, like me, may have had a mother that quoted that verse to you when you were a kid: "Be sure your sins will find you out." Either way, it is all the more relevant and certainly true in what now is a Cyber Age where we are under near ...
Season 3
Episode 181

"Thanks Giving" During Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a rare precious tradition that combines Christian theology and the best of Americana. It's a special time when gratitude can be expressed for family, friends, a blessed nation, and a loving Lord. In a time when angst, anomie, di...
Season 3
Episode 180

The Unique American Experience and Christianity
America has called the "First New Nation," a "Great Experiment," and a Christian nation. Each of these phrases have been the source of extensive historical research. Whatever your preference, clearly biblical Christianity made an enormous impac...
Season 3
Episode 179

What Robinson Crusoe Teaches Us About Adversity
Adversity is a fact of life. Everyone at every level of society experiences adversity, and indeed, if they have not, they just haven't lived long enough. The fictional Robinson Crusoe, a character and story developed by Daniel Defoe and publish...
Season 3
Episode 178

Are Nation States Legitimate?
Ever wonder why we have nation states in the world, and are they legitimate? Why do nations even bother to maintain borders? Scripture repeatedly references nations. The English word is translated from Hebrew or Greek, meaning people groups who...
Season 3
Episode 177

Are We Happy When Our Enemies Die?
The Scripture tells us to love and pray for our enemies. Needless to say, humanly speaking, this is difficult to do, particularly for believers involved in war like what's happening in the Middle East. But even without this kind of violence, mo...
Season 3
Episode 176

Revisiting The Death of Discussion
Here I am revisiting a topic from two years ago--actually longer than that, for I did a podcast on this subject in 2022, wrote about it...
Season 3
Episode 175

The Decline of Western Civilization
Prominent scholars, among them the late Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer, have been saying for some time that Western Civilization is foundering. Its foundation is cracking and it may be in decline. An inexorable decline? Only God knows. But there is m...
Season 3
Episode 174